11.4.09 ~ 12.4.09 Happyy Easter!! x]]
heyyyy Lawl!
sryy fer the latee updateeee ;[[ hehs will talk about the genting trip that ii went with the Cheng's Family xD
and soo`~~
saturdayy~ we went to school as usual.. but with some extra excited-ness readyy... xD
cz gonna go genting that nite ... and dhen aftr school.. ii went for jap cls.. ;x
and neyy went for her tuition...
skip skip skip!
till evening~
we both went for our add maths tuition... getting higher and higher adi... lol!!!
ok well just skipp it agn~
ok tuition FINISH!!! genting TIME! xD
we drive drive drive ... gah gah gah~
okayyy reached there like about ... 9 sumtin? ii think 0.0 hehehe!
the 1st thing of cz check in ... aftr checked in .. both of us went for moviiiiesss!!!!!
our plan 1st day movies shooppiinngg 2nd day karaaouukayyy!
welll... then we went to the cinema there.. and bought tickets for The Fast and Furios 4!!! woohuu!!
and MEANTIME sumtin happened 0.0!
it went like this ...
worker : yes may ii hlp uu miss? ;]
beanyy : hey ya.. 2 tickets for 11.15pm The fast and Furios?
worker : oh ok.. and there's the place left for two .. infront of the screen on the most left.. isit okay?
beanyy : yeah sure.
worker : so.. this is an above 18 movie. are you sure both of you are 18 and above?
beanyy : erm.. (trembling) yeahh.. sure..
worker : ok.. then its fine .. coz my boss will check later..
beanyy : ohhh kayy....
worker : here uu go miss.
beanyy : thanks ;]]
OMFG! okk we was trembling quite seriously there ;x
and dhen we went for shopping to get sum accessories to wear for the sake of looking more mature? =3= lame rite? xD
bt actually ii also wanted to buy sum earrings!! haha! and ii bought! and so ii tied my hair.. sumtin like korean style? =3= cz my hair was abit wavyy...
and neyy tied her hair up to.. high one! xD
and okayy gao dim .. we do look like 18. x]
but we were late =3= we reached there about 11.30pm! and there was nobody checking for our tickets! Luckyy!! ;33
and we went in! ahahah!!
before that .. we played sum character game lol! we actually acted to be 2 japanese girl and went to buy sum popcorn and water! we spoke sum veryy kilik kalak english lol!
damnn funnyyy!!! hahaah!!
aftr that we just like shop around ... went for starbucks.. and it was full house !!
so we just bought 2 drinks.. chocolate cream chip!!! omg!! awesome man!
had been so long both of us did not have that drink adii ;[[
cz its totallyyy F A T!!! xD haha
then we went back to the hotel .. and damn pised off weyy ==
there's only ney's younger bratha in the room and he slept!!!!
ok fine .. we called so mny times ask him to open the door he din even heard us!
problem is .. we have the card .. but! he shutted the upper thingy == so we cant actually OPEN the door .. == hope uu understand wad iim trying to sayy LAWL!
thenn we kiip called the hp.. and from outside we heard the ringtone .. so tak kan inside cant hear rite? bt == nobody answer == we waitied for 30mins and the missed calls was 18!
beh tahan .. ney called her dadyy and her dadyy came! once he cme == he just shouted his name and he woke!!! omg == then we manage to get in to the room and get some SLEEEEP!!!
okk skipp to next morning! we woke like about 10sumtin!~
we brushed our teeth washed our face and all .. then we need to chg room .. to a deluxe room..
but wasnt any big difference aso! blaaadiee fool =3=! and we went to eat.. and went to check in back at about 2 sumtin pm...
neyy and ii went shopping agn .. went for arcade ... and bowling..
and yaa!! their bowling Suxks to the max == ii wont ever go there ==
coz we have 2 pax free karaouukayy tickets.. we went and require about it .. dhen we decided to start singing at 5pm to 7pm~~
then the time came .. we went for karaoke !!! wheeee
was so shocked! their rooms were CUTE!!! damn cutee weyyy hello kitties and all!!!
and was suprised also .. coz came to know that they are using computer system to control the song dedication and all .. and was so lag! computer ma ==... and cheelakahh unluckyy betul system down-ed for 10 mins! wasted our time ;[[
and 1 waiter came in and fix it for us... damn it! LENGZAI man!
and then neyy said if ii go and ask for his number she belanja mii starbucks! ahah!!!
then ii said bu yong ke qi la ii belanja uu back .. uu pigi take la xDD!!
in the end ;[ din take also..
damn regret la =3= shud have take ... iishhh!!!
then we went shopping agn == .. lawl!
shopped till 8 sumtin .. we went for the DREAMZ performance!!!
white lion .. white tiger .. white cub and stuffs damn gempak! wahahha!!
bt overall it was nice la ;]] b4 the performance started.. the joker there was kind enuf to greet all the audience .. ii greeted by him also!! whee :D hehehehe cutee ;pp
till like 10 sumtin .. the show ended ... and so we went back to the hotel room and take Picturesss!!! wahahhaha!!!
take till 1 hour + man cant stop =3=!
while waiting ney's parents to cme back .. we ate tom yam mageee!! hehe!
cz waiting her parents and we can go down hill adi .. cz next day is school day =3= damn!
then ney's parents came back like about 12 sumtin ? lawl ...
and we packed all our bags and prepare to go down hill ...
and we reached ney's hse at about 2am .. its about 3and a half hours for us to sleep onlyy ==!
nvm fine .. ii woke up at 530 that monday .. cz need iron uniform and all .. then went to school ...
thats how we ended the insane trip agn lol~~
damn niceee ;]]
P/s : Pictures please refer to my friendster album .. quite lazie to post it here adi .. ;pp hehehe!
www.friendster.com/chocobeanyy ii think? lol!
sryy fer the latee updateeee ;[[ hehs will talk about the genting trip that ii went with the Cheng's Family xD
and soo`~~
saturdayy~ we went to school as usual.. but with some extra excited-ness readyy... xD
cz gonna go genting that nite ... and dhen aftr school.. ii went for jap cls.. ;x
and neyy went for her tuition...
skip skip skip!
till evening~
we both went for our add maths tuition... getting higher and higher adi... lol!!!
ok well just skipp it agn~
ok tuition FINISH!!! genting TIME! xD
we drive drive drive ... gah gah gah~
okayyy reached there like about ... 9 sumtin? ii think 0.0 hehehe!
the 1st thing of cz check in ... aftr checked in .. both of us went for moviiiiesss!!!!!
our plan 1st day movies shooppiinngg 2nd day karaaouukayyy!
welll... then we went to the cinema there.. and bought tickets for The Fast and Furios 4!!! woohuu!!
and MEANTIME sumtin happened 0.0!
it went like this ...
worker : yes may ii hlp uu miss? ;]
beanyy : hey ya.. 2 tickets for 11.15pm The fast and Furios?
worker : oh ok.. and there's the place left for two .. infront of the screen on the most left.. isit okay?
beanyy : yeah sure.
worker : so.. this is an above 18 movie. are you sure both of you are 18 and above?
beanyy : erm.. (trembling) yeahh.. sure..
worker : ok.. then its fine .. coz my boss will check later..
beanyy : ohhh kayy....
worker : here uu go miss.
beanyy : thanks ;]]
OMFG! okk we was trembling quite seriously there ;x
and dhen we went for shopping to get sum accessories to wear for the sake of looking more mature? =3= lame rite? xD
bt actually ii also wanted to buy sum earrings!! haha! and ii bought! and so ii tied my hair.. sumtin like korean style? =3= cz my hair was abit wavyy...
and neyy tied her hair up to.. high one! xD
and okayy gao dim .. we do look like 18. x]
but we were late =3= we reached there about 11.30pm! and there was nobody checking for our tickets! Luckyy!! ;33
and we went in! ahahah!!
before that .. we played sum character game lol! we actually acted to be 2 japanese girl and went to buy sum popcorn and water! we spoke sum veryy kilik kalak english lol!
damnn funnyyy!!! hahaah!!
aftr that we just like shop around ... went for starbucks.. and it was full house !!
so we just bought 2 drinks.. chocolate cream chip!!! omg!! awesome man!
had been so long both of us did not have that drink adii ;[[
cz its totallyyy F A T!!! xD haha
then we went back to the hotel .. and damn pised off weyy ==
there's only ney's younger bratha in the room and he slept!!!!
ok fine .. we called so mny times ask him to open the door he din even heard us!
problem is .. we have the card .. but! he shutted the upper thingy == so we cant actually OPEN the door .. == hope uu understand wad iim trying to sayy LAWL!
thenn we kiip called the hp.. and from outside we heard the ringtone .. so tak kan inside cant hear rite? bt == nobody answer == we waitied for 30mins and the missed calls was 18!
beh tahan .. ney called her dadyy and her dadyy came! once he cme == he just shouted his name and he woke!!! omg == then we manage to get in to the room and get some SLEEEEP!!!
okk skipp to next morning! we woke like about 10sumtin!~
we brushed our teeth washed our face and all .. then we need to chg room .. to a deluxe room..
but wasnt any big difference aso! blaaadiee fool =3=! and we went to eat.. and went to check in back at about 2 sumtin pm...
neyy and ii went shopping agn .. went for arcade ... and bowling..
and yaa!! their bowling Suxks to the max == ii wont ever go there ==
coz we have 2 pax free karaouukayy tickets.. we went and require about it .. dhen we decided to start singing at 5pm to 7pm~~
then the time came .. we went for karaoke !!! wheeee
was so shocked! their rooms were CUTE!!! damn cutee weyyy hello kitties and all!!!
and was suprised also .. coz came to know that they are using computer system to control the song dedication and all .. and was so lag! computer ma ==... and cheelakahh unluckyy betul system down-ed for 10 mins! wasted our time ;[[
and 1 waiter came in and fix it for us... damn it! LENGZAI man!
and then neyy said if ii go and ask for his number she belanja mii starbucks! ahah!!!
then ii said bu yong ke qi la ii belanja uu back .. uu pigi take la xDD!!
in the end ;[ din take also..
damn regret la =3= shud have take ... iishhh!!!
then we went shopping agn == .. lawl!
shopped till 8 sumtin .. we went for the DREAMZ performance!!!
white lion .. white tiger .. white cub and stuffs damn gempak! wahahha!!
bt overall it was nice la ;]] b4 the performance started.. the joker there was kind enuf to greet all the audience .. ii greeted by him also!! whee :D hehehehe cutee ;pp
till like 10 sumtin .. the show ended ... and so we went back to the hotel room and take Picturesss!!! wahahhaha!!!
take till 1 hour + man cant stop =3=!
while waiting ney's parents to cme back .. we ate tom yam mageee!! hehe!
cz waiting her parents and we can go down hill adi .. cz next day is school day =3= damn!
then ney's parents came back like about 12 sumtin ? lawl ...
and we packed all our bags and prepare to go down hill ...
and we reached ney's hse at about 2am .. its about 3and a half hours for us to sleep onlyy ==!
nvm fine .. ii woke up at 530 that monday .. cz need iron uniform and all .. then went to school ...
thats how we ended the insane trip agn lol~~
damn niceee ;]]
P/s : Pictures please refer to my friendster album .. quite lazie to post it here adi .. ;pp hehehe!
www.friendster.com/chocobeanyy ii think? lol!
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